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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Friendship lesson Parrot !! ~ கொடி மின்னல் போல் ஒரு பார்வை

Are you above 50 or a person who has crossed 60 ?  or near about that age  -  how many friends do you have – when is the last time you saw or spoke with your best friend !! 

Life teaches us that best friend need not necessarily be the one whom we see daily or speak for hours.  Thiruvalluvar rightly says : 


Identity of feelings makes friendship. There is no  need for friends to meet and be together for long times. Thiruvalluvar  categorically says  frequent association is not necessary for friendship; mutual understanding is what truly fosters it. 

அதிகாலை சுபவேளை ! பறவைகளின் இன்னிசை மனசுக்கு ரம்மியமாக இருந்தது.  புறாக்கள் கொஞ்சம் மந்தமாக ஒரு வினோத சப்தம் எழுப்பிக்கொண்டே உண்ணும் - கிளிகளோ ஆனந்த கூச்சலிடும், குதிக்கும், - இமைப்பொழுதில் பறந்து ஒடி விடும். 

அவ்வளவு பேர் மத்தியிலும் - அந்த அழகி என்னை கவர்ந்தாள் - பம்பர கண்ணழகி, பச்சை பட்டு, கூரிய சிறப்பான மூக்கு.


அவள் கண்ணைப் பார்த்து, மலரைப் பார்த்தேன், மலரில் ஒளியில்லை..


கொடி மின்னல் போல் ஒரு பார்வை - மானோ மீனோ என்றிருந்தேன்

குயில் ஓசை போல் ஒரு வார்த்தை - குழலோ யாழோ என்றிருந்தேன்..


எங்கோ தூரத்தில் ஏதோ சத்தம் - அடுத்த நொடி அவளும் அவளது கூட்டமும் பறந்தோடியது - மறுபடி வரலாம், வராமலும் போகலாம் !!  வானத்தில் என்னை தாண்டும்போது கண்களை உற்றுப்பார்த்து, கண் சிமிட்டி, ஒரு நிமிஷம் அப்படியே இருந்து ஒரு குறள் உரைத்தாள் !!!


புணர்ச்சி பழகுதல் வேண்டா உணர்ச்சிதான்

நட்பாங் கிழமை தரும்.


ஒருவனோடு ஒருவன் நட்புக் கொள்வதற்கு அருகருகே இருப்பதோ, நெருங்கிப் பழகுவதோ வேண்டியதில்ல. இருவரது எண்ணமும் ஒத்திருந்தால் அதுவே நட்பு எனும் தோழமையைக் கொடுக்கும்.


Good morning photo message from Aasami sirippu sinthanaiyaan – you can have different views, no need to accept this – one can have their own definition of everything, yet if this photo made you to read this post, I am happy.

Regards – S. Sampathkumar

Monday, February 17, 2025

the tongue !! ~ எற்றால் இயன்றதோ நா.

Are you a good orator !  in life, at times, it is not about what you speak, it is about how you control your tongue and the words that you speak !! 

The tongue is a mass of muscle that is almost completely covered by a mucous membrane. It occupies most of the oral cavity and oropharynx. It is known for its role in taste, but it also assists with mastication (chewing), deglutition (swallowing), articulation (speech), and oral cleansing.   The tongue's upper surface (dorsum) is covered by taste buds housed in numerous lingual papillae. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. The tongue also serves as a natural means of cleaning the teeth.   A major function of the tongue is to enable speech in humans and vocalization in other animals. 

The human tongue is divided into two parts, an oral part at the front and a pharyngeal part at the back. The left and right sides are also separated along most of its length by a vertical section of fibrous tissue (the lingual septum) that results in a groove, the median sulcus, on the tongue's surface.


நாலடியார் (Naladiyar) பதினெண் கீழ்க்கணக்கு நூல் தொகுப்பைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு தமிழ் நீதி நூல். இது நான்கு அடிகளைக் கொண்ட வெண்பாக்களால் ஆனது.  ஆலும் வேலும் பல்லுக்குறுதி; நாலும் இரண்டும் சொல்லுக்குறுதி என்னும் பழமொழியில் நாலு என்பது நாலடியாரையும், இரண்டு என்பது திருக்குறளையும் குறிக்கும்.  வாழ்க்கையின் எளிமையான பொருட்களை உவமைகளாகக் கையாண்டு நீதி புகட்டுவதில் நாலடியார் தனித்துவம் பெற்று விளங்குகிறது. 

கணமலை நன்னாட! கண்  இன்று ஓருவர்

குணனேயுங் கூறற்கு  அரிதால், குணன்  அழுங்கக்

குற்றம் உழைநின்று கூறுஞ் சிறியவர்கட்கு

எற்றால்  இயன்றதோ நா.


இன்றைய பரந்து விரிந்து இருக்கும் சமூக ஊடகங்களில் உள்ள நண்பர்கள் பலர் - ஒருவர் எதிரில் நின்று, அவரது நல்ல குணங்களைக் கூறுவதற்க்கு  தயங்குகிறார்கள்.  அனால்  அவர் குணம் கெடும்படி குற்றத்தையே எடுத்துக்கூறும் இத்தகையோரின் நாக்கு எப்படிப்பட்ட பொருளால் (இரும்பால் அல்லது கல்லால்) செய்யப்பட்டதோ? 

Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth slightly and try to bring the sides of your tongue up towards each other to make a U-shape. If you can do it you are a tongue-roller, along with between 65 and 81% of people, more of them women than men.  If you tried this before, the chances are it was in a biology lesson on genetics at school. Some may recall,  sitting on high stool at the lab bench trying in vain to roll  tongue, while other  friends seemed to be able to do it effortlessly. The reason we couldn’t all do it, we were told, is because it is a simple genetic trait.  Now Scientists say it is a myth. 

One of the super intelligent human being Albert Einstein is remembered for his wisdom,  his theory of special relativity, the one that generated the famous equation E=mc2?; his Nobel Prize for his discovery of the photoelectric effect – and to some  that wacky tongue photo you see everywhere. For a serious scientist who made such formidable discoveries about the universe, that's a pretty silly face to make, but   his expressive face and distinctive hairstyles have been widely copied and exaggerated.


The famous image of Einstein sticking out his tongue came on his 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951. United Press photographer Arthur Sasse was trying to persuade him to smile for the camera, but having smiled for photographers many times that day, a tired and bored  Einstein stuck out his tongue instead and that became a great photo to be seen everywhere. 

Interesting !  Tongue !! 

Regards – S Sampathkumar


ducks of Kairavini ..


ducks of Kairavini ..

SYMA Fancy dress competition 2025 - Sri Periyazhwar


பல்லாண்டு, பல்லாண்டு  ‘பல்லாயிரத்தாண்டு’’


தேவரீருடைய அனேக திருநாமங்களைச் சொல்லியேத்தி உமக்கே பல்லாண்டு, பல்லாண்டு   என  மங்களாசாஸநம் பண்ணுவேன், என பக்தி செலுத்தி வேண்டுகிறார் விஷ்ணுசித்தர். 


Children & parents become innovative – Fancy dress is an art of expression.  Children are dressed as National leaders, animals, flowers – and more.  Here is a kid dressed as Sri Periyazhvar in Goldwinner SYMA Childfest 2025.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Goldwinner SYMA Childfest 2025 - Fancy Dress Prize Distribution

Goldwinner SYMA Childfest 2025 -  Fancy Dress  Prize Distribution

Srinivas YOungMen’s Association has been conducting Childfest – competition for school children for close to 3 decades now.   

SYMA is a Social Service organization striving for the betterment of society since 1977.  Among our many efforts stand out, our Medical Centre functioning since 1989, where we charge token fee of Rs.2/- and provide consultation and medicines free, our Medical lab and SYMA Growth.  Daily around 40 persons benefit at our Medical centre.  Our lab is associated with Neuberg and the charges are very nominal. Growth is our free tuition centre providing quality educational support to more than 100 poor students every year since 2008. 

In this year’s Goldwinner SYMA Childfest held at NKT National College of Education Triplicane on 8th & 9th of Feb 2025 there were 10 events, 2200 students participated.  There were 251 Prizes in various events.  The winners were given medals, certificates on 9th Feb evening and the Chief Guest -  on day 1 were 8 competitions, the most popular being Fancy Dress for Lkg, Ukg & 1st standard children.

For Fancy Dress competition itself there were around 300 participants.  Parents take extraordinary effort in presenting their kids in ornate dresses, representing National leaders, themes, concepts and more !  - with so many kids around, we felt that it would be better to have a Prize Distribution function exclusively for Fancy Dress [3 groups – 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 10 special prizes each group] – to ensure that the elaborately dressed up kids are able to receive their prizes in the same costume. 

In every Society, we need Role Models especially for younger generation.  Kids would feel immensely happy and would preserve  for posterity, a photo of their receiving Prize from a celebrity.  

SYMA considers itself extremely fortunate that on day 2 it was a Lt. Col who was the Chief Guest along with CEO of a leading Tamil daily.  On day 1 the Chief Guests were  Shri BR Muralidhar and Mrs Anu Parthasarathy.    

Chief Guest for the occasion Shri BR Muralidhar, is CEO of Sriyah Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd – a Company with more than 6 offices, 100+ employees and serving hundreds of big clients and individuals.  Back in 2000, Insurance Sector opened up and by 2002 Private Insurers opened up offices.  The concept of Insurance broking gained popularity as bigger Companies required technical support -  Sriyah ventured into this field at a very early time and is now a name to reckon in Insurance industry, having grown in premium income and expertise.

Suave, articulate, friendly  - Mr BR Muralidhar,  has presence in various business fields especially in Vellore,  is a kind hearted philanthropist, who has been helping SYMA also.   It was indeed our privilege and proud moment as he consented to be the Chief Guest and was on stage distributing prizes to children.

The Prize Distribution started around 6 pm on Saturday, 8th Feb 2025.  The other Guest of honour was a famous Triplicanite Mrs Anu Parthasarathy.  A famous costume designer – she has been in this specialized  field  having worked in many movies and for many artistes including – Simran, Kushbu, Sivakarthikeyan and more. 

Rajnikanth remains the most popular actor – remember a character by that name, a famous Barrister  !!  In 1970s, there were Sivaji Ganesan hit movies – Gauravam, Vietnam Veedu, Gnana Oli, Justice Gopinath, Annan Oru Kovil to name a few !!    Mr Sundaram was  a famous playwright, screenwriter and film director.  A successful play of his won him the sobriquet Vietnam Veedu Sundaram.  He wrote, acted and directed movies and plays and made his presence in Telugu, Kannada and Hindi as well.   Mrs Anu is his daughter.  Her husband Mr MA Parthasarathy (MAPs) is a well-known Photo journalist.

Here are some photos of the function.  SYMA places on record hearty thanks to Mr BR Muralidhar & Mrs Anu Parthasarathy.
With great regards – S Sampathkumar
Vice-President -  SYMA  

Veenai Shanmughavadivu, mother of MS Subbulakshmi

A casual browsing of old Kalki issue (1962) prompted this post – in fact an obituary of a renowned Veena vidwan ! 

kausalyāsuprajā rāma pūrvā sandhyā pravartate

uttiṣṭha naraśārdūla karttavya daivamāhnikam 

Oh Rama! Kausalya’s auspicious child! Twilight is approaching in the East. Oh, best of men! Wake up; the divine daily rituals have to be performed. 

The opening verse of Valmiki Ramayana – the VEnkateshwara Suprabatham, composed in 14th century is recited every morning at holy Thirumala Tirupathi temple – a specific recording rendered in mellifluous voice is played in millions of homes daily.   

The recording is that of MSS [Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi] (1916-2004) the first musician ever to be awarded the Bharat Ratna,  and also the first Indian musician to receive the Ramon Magsaysay award in 1974. She was the first Indian to perform at the United Nations General Assembly in 1966. 

MS Subbulakshmi fondly Amma was born on 16th Sept 1916.  His father was an advocate – Subramaniya Iyer.  Her mother was Madurai Shanmugha Vadivu, an accomplished veena player.  MSS brother Sakthivel was a Mridungam player.  The family lived in a modest dwelling in Madurai from where MS Subbulakshmi reached greater heights.   

Here is a scanned copy of the obituary of M Shanmughavadivu, mother of the famous MS Subbulakshmi.  

Regards – S Sampathkumar


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

சனி நீராடு ~ refreshing bath !!


After a bath, we feel refreshed – the body is cleansed, the sticky sweat is gone, one feels wet, there is change in temperature and overall – people feel rejuvenated. 


Going by time tested advedrtisements, Cine stars bathe in Lux, Liril provides refreshing bath, while Lifebuoy keeps you in good health. Not sure, which Soap or body gel, this Elephant used to keep itself refreshed !! 

தமிழ் நன்னூல்களில் சிறப்பானது ஆத்திசூடி -  ஔவையார் இயற்றிய நீதி நூல். . சிறுவர்கள் இளம் பருவத்திலேயே மனனம் செய்து மனதில் நிறுத்திக்கொள்ளும் வகையில் சிறுசிறு சொற்றொடர்களால் எளிமையாக அமைந்தது ஆத்திசூடி.  நல்லொழுக்கத்திற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் அளித்து,  தமிழ் கற்கும் போது தமிழின் உயிரெழுத்துகளைச் சொல்லித் தருகின்ற பொருட்டு ஔவையின் ஆத்திசூடியைக் கொண்டு கற்பிப்பதை ஆசிரியர்கள் கடைப்பிடித்து வருகின்றார்கள்.


ஆத்திசூடி --- 16. சனி நீராடு  -  இதற்கு மேலெழுந்த வாரியாக பார்க்கும்போது - - சனிக்கிழமை தோறும்,  (எண்ணெய் தேய்த்துக்கொண்டு) நீரிலே தலைமுழுகு என பொருள் வரலாம்.    இங்கே  சனி  என்பது கிழமையை குறிப்பதல்ல. சனி” என்றால் “குளிர்ந்த” என்பது பொருள் எனவும் வழங்குவர். .  பிறிது சிலரோ, சனித்த.. என்பதற்கு புதிதாய் உருவாகிய நீர். ஓடிக் கொண்டேயிருக்கும் ஆற்று நீரும் ஊற்றாகப் பொங்கும் ஊற்று நீரும் புதிதாய் சனித்துக்கொண்டே இருக்கும் நீர். அதில் பிராண ஆற்றல் மிகுந்திருக்கும். இதில் குளிப்பது தான் ஆரோக்கியம் எனவும் பொருள் உரைப்பார்கள்.

Welcoming Saturday with a pic of Elephant refreshing  in Vandalur zoo.   In life, it is not always necessary to understand all details, there are images that capture our attention and make us happy.  Just live life simply.

With regards – S Sampathkumar


Feb. 14, mourning lost soldiers of Pulwama and people of Coimbatore

Today  Feb. 14th ~ is to be remembered as a Black Day – not a day to celebrate !!  ~ we mourn those heroes who were martyred in a dastardly attack  this day on 2019. 


When it commenced it voyage, sure none would have ever dreamt of the quagmire that the vessel was to encounter…. It was the tanker MV EnricaLexie  on voyage from Singapore to Egypt with a crew of 34 including 19 Indians ~ it had somebody special – the six Italian marines from the San Marco Regiment guarding the vessel.It entered to its way of notoriety when the Marines fired at a fishing trawler named St. Antony that  had left Neendakara in Keralawith a crew of 11 to fish for tuna.  On that fateful day of 15th Feb 2012,  the shooting and killing of Indian fishermen occurred closer to shores of Kerala and soon there were different versions on the incident and the place of occurrence. It was sad death for Ajesh Pink and Valentine aka Gelastine, natives of Tamil Nadu and Kerala respectively,  shot dead by Italian marines of the Reggimento San Marco, Marina Militare. 

With mushrooming of Corporate MNCs, there is globalisation and lot to learn from what happens around the globe.  In the past few years lot has been done to promote 14th Feb – as many ensure pushing their sales. Globally, there are lot of apps on the market for young folks in search of love: Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, to name a few- all aiming at potential mates judge one another based on looks  


Captain James Cook FRS (1728 - 1779) was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.  In three voyages, Cook sailed thousands of miles across largely uncharted areas of the globe. He mapped lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean in greater detail and on a scale not previously achieved. Cook was attacked and killed in 1779 during his third exploratory voyage in the Pacific while attempting to kidnap Kalaniʻōpuʻu, a Hawaiian chief.  He left a legacy of scientific and geographical knowledge which influenced his successors well into the 20th century, and numerous memorials worldwide have been dedicated to him.  In 1779, his attempted kidnapping of Kalaniʻōpuʻu, the ruling chief of the island of Hawaii and the decision to hold him in exchange for a stolen long boat (lifeboat) was the fatal error of Cook's final voyage, and ultimately led to his death.Cook's arrival in Hawaii was followed by mass migrations of Europeans and Americans to the islands that ended with the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the aboriginal monarchy of the islands. 

Over 246  years ago, on the morning of 14.2.1779,   Cook and his men launched from Resolution along with a company of armed marines. They went directly to the ruling chief's enclosure where Kalaniʻōpuʻu was still sleeping, and tried kidnapping him.  Cook's men and the British Marines were confronted on the beach and was killed in the melee.  That occurred on Feb 14, not known as Valentine’s Day at that time.


It was on this day, Feb 14, 1998 that Coimbatore was subjected to the most devastating attack of terrorist bombings Tamil Nadu has ever witnessed. On Saturday, February 14, going by the official accounts,  58 people were killed and over 200 injured in the 12 bomb attacks in 11 places, all within a 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) radius. Several bombs that failed to detonate were defused by the bomb disposal squads of the Army, the National Security Guards and the Tamil Nadu Commando School. An abandoned car laden with a horrifying 70 kg of explosives, discovered on East Lokamanya Street in R.S. Puram, close to the BJP meeting venue, gave cause for much anxiety for days until the complicated device was dismantled. 

Within hours of the blasts, the then  Tamil Nadu Government banned Al-Umma and the Jihad Committee. Al-Umma founder-president S.A. Basha and 12 other members of the organisation were arrested in Chennai; explosive materials and weapons were seized from his house in Triplicane, Chennai. A judicial committee formed  in Apr 2000 under Justice P.R. Gokulakrishnan to probe the case confirmed that Al Ummah was responsible for the attacks.  Hundreds of innocents lost their lives, thousands lost their livelihood – and this day continues to haunt them all.  .. .. sadly,  when he passed away political parties in TN reacted wrongly !!!


Utpala dynasty, a Kashmiri Hindu kingdom, ruled over the Kashmir region from 8th to 10th century CE. The kingdom was established by Avanti Varman, ending the rule of Karkota dynasty in 855 CE.  The cities of Avantipur and Suyapur were founded during the reign and many Hindu temples dedicated to both Vishnu and Shiva and Buddhist monasteries were built, notable of which is the Avantiswara and Avantiswami temples.  King Avantivarman  who founded the dynasty ruled between  855 to 883 CE.


Pulwama (known as Panwangam in antiquity] is a town and a notified area committee in Pulwama districtin Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is around 40 km (25 mi) from the summer capital of Srinagar. Pulwama is often called the "Anand of Kashmir" or "Dudha-Kul of Kashmir"  on account of its high milk production.  Pulwama being a part of the beautiful valley is bounded by Srinagar in the North by Budgam and Poonch Districts the west and by Anantnag Districts in the South and East. The District was formed in 1979 by separation of Tehsils Pulwama, Shopian and Tral of District Anantnag. The total area of the district is 1090 Sq Kms as per Census 2011, the district consists of 331 villages including 08 un-inhabitated. 

The district is famous for Archeological monuments especially those left by Raja Avantivarman.   The climate in the district is temperate with mercury going 30o C in summer and below freezing point in winter.  The district is reported to be one of the pretty spots on the earth, because of its congenial climate, innumerable springs streams, water falls, fragrant flowers, delicious fruits and other natural sceneries.  


Pulwama will ever be remembered for all wrong reasons ~ for on 14th Feb 2019  more than 58  army men were  killed. .. ..    CRPF personnel were killed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district when a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist rammed an explosive-laden car into the bus they were travelling in on Thursday afternoon. JeM  claimed responsibility for the attack and identified the bomber as a local militant. In a telephonic call to a local news agency, Jaish has identified the suicide bomber at Adil Ahmad, a resident of Gundi bagh in Pulwama. The bus was part of an army convoy coming from Jammu to Srinagar.   

Terming the attack as despicable, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that the sacrifices of security personnel will not go in vain. He also spoke with Home Minister Rajnath Singh and other top officials in the wake of the attack. The Centre dispatched teams of NIA and NSG with forensic experts to Srinagar to assist Jammu and Kashmir Police in forensic evaluation of the scene of the crime.   It remains in deed a very sad day for the Nation.


If at all the name of Valentin crops up – it should be Valentin Friedland (born this day in 1490)    a German scholar and educationist of the Reformation.  His fame as a teacher was an attraction of Goldberg in Silesia, where he taught pupils from far and near.  Friedland became a distinguished student at the University of Leipzig, learned Ciceronian Latin from Peter Mosellanus and Greek from Richard Croke, and after graduation was appointed assistant master in the school at Görlitz in 1515. There he also taught the rector and other teachers. When Martin Luther began his attack on indulgences, Trotzendorff resigned his position and went to study under Luther and Melanchthon at Wittenberg, supporting himself by private tuition. After Friedland's school, his library, his assets, and the greater part of Goldberg were destroyed by a fire in 1554, he moved again to Liegnitz at the invitation of the duke there.  


With grief ..  S Sampathkumar

14th Feb 2025.


பஞ்சவர்ணக்கிளி ~ a caged Macaw

Deep in the Amazon rainforest in 1850, Mac, a young blue and gold macaw, lives with his mother. One day, Mac goes exploring in the jungle on his own and enters an ancient temple full of treasure. Meanwhile, a group of pirates come to the jungle and force the natives to show them the entrance to the temple. After going inside and stealing many of the temple's treasures, the captain of the pirate crew finds and captures Mac, taking him back to the ship as his pet.

A century later, in 1998, Mac, now 149 years old, can now speak as clearly as a human thanks to years of learning from mimicking others, but keeps it secret. He now lives in a neighborhood in Australia with a kind old man, who cares for injured birds, and is the only person who knows Mac can speak.  .. .. ..

கண்ணில் வரும் காட்சியெல்லாம்  கண்மணியை  உறுத்தும்

காணாத உன் உருவம் கண்ணுக்குள்ள இனிக்கும்

பஞ்சவர்ணக்கிளி நீ பறந்த பின்னாலும்

அஞ்சு வர்ணம் நெஞ்சில் இருக்கு !! 

Our Common assumption is all Parrots are Green hence ‘Green parrots’.  Colloquially, the brightly coloured hued parrot is Panchavarna kili (the one with 5 colours).  Macaws are a group of New World parrots that are long-tailed and often colorful, in the tribe Arini. In addition to being one of the most brightly colored parrots, hyacinth macaws are the largest parrot species. They're also among the most gentle and affectionate birds. However, they're not the ideal pet for everyone. Hyacinth macaws have a reputation for being very sensitive. 

Mekala wants to marry Sekar – an army officer, Chokkalingam first son. To her dismay, he is married to Chitra in Delhi and they have a child. Meanwhile, Chokkalingam is looking for marriage alliance to second son Kannan through marriage broker Kalyanam. Kalyanam learns that Sekar brother already has radio singer Vani in mind. Broker fixes marriage with Vani to Kannan. In a twist, Sekar look alike Balu – Vani niece morphs a photo with him and Vani. The morphed photo is sent to Sekar house to stop the marriage. Confusing and to think that it is a movie theme of 1965 is more intriguing. 

Panchavarna Kili directed by K. Shankar and produced by Saravana Pictures starring Muthuraman, Jaishankar, KR Vijaya, Nagesh, Major Sundarrajan and Manorama,  was released on 21 May 1965, and was a hit, also commercially.  Read that the movie Panchavarna Kili, shot at AVM Studios was inspired by the 1950 film No Man of Her Own.

 No Man of Her Own is a 1950 American film noir drama directed by Mitchell Leisen and featuring Barbara Stanwyck, John Lund, Phyllis Thaxter, Jane Cowl and Lyle Bettger. Made and distributed by Paramount Pictures, the production is the second film Stanwyck made with director Mitchell Leisen. Its screenplay was adapted from Cornell Woolrich's 1948 novel I Married a Dead Man.   The Helen Ferguson storyline read in 3rd para is that of this movie. 

The description at the start (first 2 paras) is that of a 1998  Australian dventure film - The Real Macaw - written by Bruce Hancock and Matthew Perry and directed by Mario Andreacchio. Filmed on location in Brisbane, Queensland, it starred  Jamie Croft as Sam Girdis, Deborra-Lee Furness as Beth Girdis, Joe Petruzzi as Rick Girdis, John Waters as Dr. Lance Hagen, and Jason Robards as Grandpa Girdis. The voice of Mac the Parrot was performed by Daniel Murphy in the Australian version and by John Goodman in the North American version.

Welcoming Friday –today my photo pic story captures this beautiful Parakeet –  a caged one in Vandalur zoo. mage.  In life, it is not always necessary to understand all details, there are images that capture our attention and make us happy.  Just live life simply.

With regards – S Sampathkumar