The news from abroad is ‘a statue of the Indian political
leader Mahatma Gandhi is to be erected opposite the Houses of Parliament’ … the
memorial will stand in Parliament
Square alongside those of Abraham Lincoln and
Nelson Mandela. Speaking on a trip to the Gandhi memorial in Delhi , Foreign Secretary William Hague said
the statue would be a "fitting tribute" to a "great man". Gandhi
studied in London for many years before leading
non-violent resistance to British rule in India . Reports add that the sculptor
Philip Jackson, whose works include statues of the Queen Mother and RAF Bomber
Command, has been approached to take on the project - which will be paid for by
charitable donations and sponsors. William Hague and George Osborne, the Foreign
Secretary and the Chancellor, were in Delhi for a meeting with
their Indian counterparts and to see the country’s new Prime Minister, Narendra
Modi. In a statement, the ministers said it is hoped
the statue of Mr Gandhi will be paid for by charitable donations and sponsors.
Back home in the vast expanse of Marina Beach
dotting the Bay of Bengal, there are heritage buildings, Educational
Institutions like the Presidency College, Queen Mary’s College and many statues
of Tamil poets, freedom fighters and
politicians ~ though this is not exactly the binder, one can say it is from
‘Labour Statue’ opposite Ezhilagam to ‘Gandhi Statue’ opposite to IG Office. Incidentally,
both were sculpted by Devi Prasad Roy Chowdhury. Chennai, the old Madras had its date with
Indian freedom. History has it that
whenever, Mahathma Gandhi visited Madras ,
he used to address big patriotic meeting at Tilakar Ghat. There are places in Madras visited by Mahtma
In fact, Chennai has one hospital named after the wife of
Gandhiji - Kasturba Mohandas Gandhi
situate in Triplicane. It is known as
Gosha hospital, a synonym for the hospital which once catered to women wearing
purdah. On the sands of Marina , the landmark ~
standing on the 12-ft high pedestal, was
unveiled by Jawaharlal Nehru on 14.4.1959, in a function presided over by CM
Mr. K Kamaraj. This statue was sculpted by Devi Prasad Roy
Chowdhury. It was recently renovated too….
At this juncture, when Gandhi statue is to be erected outside
British Parliament - would it not be interesting to know their views too…………………
Here is something excerpted from
Columnist Stephen Glover in Daily Mail titled ‘Sorry, but Gandhi statue in
Westminster is a cheap stunt by ministers with scant knowledge of history
greasing up to India ’.
Parliament Square's statue of
Mahatma Gandhi may be similar to this one in Mumbai,

Churchill memorably — and rather
disgracefully — described Gandhi in 1930 as ‘a seditious Middle Temple lawyer,
now posing as a fakir of a type well-known in the East, striding half-naked up
the steps of the viceregal palace’. Most people will prefer to associate
themselves with the remarks of George Osborne, who made the announcement about
the statue during a trip to India
with the Foreign Secretary, William Hague. The Chancellor declared: ‘Gandhi is
an inspiration to everyone in the world.’ But I take the view that the statue
is a cheap and cynical stunt by ministers with scant knowledge of history,
whose only interest lies in greasing up to modern Indian politicians. With
little or no dignity, they shamelessly prostrate themselves in the most craven
Crass : The extreme cynicism of
the announcement may be judged by the fact it was made a day after Mr Osborne
confirmed a £250 million deal for British manufacturers to provide missiles for
the Indian air force. I don’t criticise the deal. The Indians want missiles,
and it’s better that we, rather than the French or Americans, should provide
them. But what a crass link with Gandhi. For he was a pacifist, who would have
disapproved of the Indian air force having missiles at all, as he would have
disliked much about modern India.
Gandhi wanted the British to
leave India ,
and did more than any other man to bring that about. It is to his great credit
that he preached non-violence, though not all Indians who wanted to get rid of
the Raj followed his example. Looking back, it seems obvious that we had to go.
But that does not mean that British rule was without many virtues. Of course,
the Left’s view that imperialism was unremittingly evil has been drummed into
every child’s head, and these days it is hard to find anyone to say a good word
for it.
We British did some bad things
in India : the 1919 Amritsar massacre, when
nearly 400 generally peaceful demonstrators were shot by Indian Army troops
commanded by an unhinged brigadier, is one irrefutable example. But we did some
things right as well. Even George Orwell, who was a great critic of Empire,
conceded in the Thirties that the British had built more railways in India than
existed at that time in any other Asian country. With railways came trade. In
1947, at the time of independence, India was a significant industrial
power. In the later part of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the
British also spread the rule of law and generally enforced justice. Democratic
institutions were created. We even introduced rudimentary health improvements,
such as vaccination against smallpox. I wonder whether George Osborne knows
that his hero Gandhi opposed this programme in the early Thirties. Vaccination,
he said, was ‘a filthy process . . . little short of eating beef’. He advised
smallpox victims to cure themselves with enemas, fresh air, damp sheets and a
new diet.
Gandhi shouldn’t be criticised
for campaigning for Indian independence, though from 1934, when the
subcontinent became for all practical purposes self-governing, he was pushing
at a virtually open door. What he can be soundly criticised for, however, is
the Quit India campaign in 1942. Britain
at that time was engaged in a life-and-death struggle with the Japanese, who
had taken Singapore before
invading Burma , and
threatened India .
Although Gandhi had expressed sympathy for the British predicament in 1939, by
1942 he wanted the Raj to pack up and go. If he’d had his way, hundreds of
thousands of Indians serving in the Indian Army would probably have been
massacred by the Japanese. Hindu-Muslim conflict of the sort that did erupt
when the British cut and ran in 1947 might have broken out on an even more disastrous
scale. In fact, Gandhi failed to anticipate any inter-religious differences. In
other words, he was recommending policies that were not just antithetical to Britain ’s
interests, but also to those of many of his countrymen. Needless to say, none of
this is mentioned in Attenborough’s shallow hagiographical film. Also
unexamined were his bizarre sexual beliefs. Although (perhaps because) he had
powerful sexual urges, he advocated celibacy, and despised sex in any context
except for procreation. To test himself, he slept alongside naked nubile women.
Gandhi also believed that Indian women who were raped lost their value as human
beings, and even suggested that they carried some responsibility for sexual
attacks on them.
His very odd beliefs in this field
may explain an extraordinary broadside by the Sikh Federation (UK) on the
proposal for a statue of him, which was reported in the Times of India, though
I have not seen it taken up in the British media. It is not necessary to go all
the way with Bhai Amrik Singh to question whether Mahatma Gandhi is the saint
he is generally cracked up to be. You may say that most of the other statesmen
memorialised in Parliament Square
weren’t saints either, and that’s true. My point is that we should recognise he
was far from perfect, and that he opposed something unreservedly, namely the
Raj, which in substantial respects was a force for good, even at the risk of
letting in the Japanese. Is it necessary to place this man on a podium in such
a place, where in any case it is very likely he would prefer not to reside? The
spirit of Jan Smuts, who embraced his former British enemies and stood by this
country in World War I, is doubtless happy to stand in Parliament Square . I wonder whether
Mahatma Gandhi’s will be. But what he really did and believed is of no
consequence to the modern British politician in a hurry to grovel to rising
Indian power and to seal a lucrative deal. Seldom was there a better
illustration of the dictum that history is what we want it to be.
Dear (s) – we have heard from elder people that
the legacy of British lasted far too long, even after independence – to some
the Colonial ruling still remains afresh too
With regards – S. Sampathkumar .
11th July 2014.
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