
Friday, June 17, 2022

in search of drinking water !!

Can we live without plastic !  ~ for many city dwellers, day starts with running after water – with multi-coloured plastic pots !! 

Water (H2O) is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colourless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms (in which it acts as a solvent. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides neither food, energy, nor organic micronutrients. Its chemical formula, H2O, indicates that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, connected by covalent bonds. 

When you venture outdoors, you need to prepare for the worst—getting lost or stranded is always a possibility. Knowing where to get drinkable water is not only a good thing if you are hiking on a particularly hot day, but it could also be the difference between a dramatic anecdote and a sad story with a tragic ending. 

“If you find a beautiful pool of water and it looks sterile—there’s nothing living in it—don’t drink it,” says an expert. “Life wants water, and if even algae can’t grow in it, it’s probably not good to drink.” Look for animal tracks, swarms of bugs, and green vegetation nearby—if other living things are drinking from it, you probably can, too. 

Drinking water is water that is used in drink or food preparation; potable water is water that is safe to be used as drinking water. The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies, and depends on physical activity level, age, health-related issues, and environmental conditions. A safe water supply is the backbone of a healthy economy, yet is woefully under prioritized, globally. 

It is estimated that waterborne diseases have an economic burden of many billions over the globe. This is especially true for drought- and flood-prone areas,  less than 50 per cent of the population have  access to safely managed drinking water. Chemical contamination of water, mainly through fluoride and arsenic, is present in many places. Excess fluoride prevalent in water  may be affecting tens of millions of people – moreover, many places are affected by extreme water depletion, and the current lack of planning for water safety and security is a major concern. One of the challenges is the fast rate of groundwater depletion   due to the proliferation of drilling over the past few decades.


Here is an attempt of a squirrel at drinking water ! 

With regards – S. Sampathkumar
17th June 2022.


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