
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wedding photography and the unbecoming post on Facebook !!!

The couples actually  wanted  a few nice photos and one big photo to put in their  bedroom above  bed.  A normal wish for any couple getting married – but their experience has been harrowing .....

In case you are wondering what this photo is [unconnected to the above  lines!]  – it is ‘ Double Exposure Wedding Photography’ courtesy

The most sought after person in a wedding is not even the priest – but the photographer.  From the days of 3 or 4 rolls [around 100 to 150 photos] – [photo for reception only !] – and printing only good ones – life has come a long way – now a days, the Karizma albums are wrapped in beautiful suitcases – and more than a couple of copies go round.   Infact, these days, Wedding photography is not restricted to the day of Wedding alone – there are pre-wedding and post-wedding at choicest places, some even take the photographer along for their honey-moon to be filmed at scenic locations !  - so has the photographers’ life changed for the better ! – making them uber-rich !

A court in Spain has ordered that a photographer pay €8,000 (Rs.5.80 lakhs approx) to a newly-married couple after he lost their wedding photos and couldn’t deliver what they paid for.  ABC de Sevilla reports that the Seville, Spain-based photographer had been hired to photograph the wedding of a couple named Charles and Charlotte in July 2012 for a digital album and two mini photo albums. After the event in Seville, the photographer somehow deleted the photos without making any backup of them — and presumably without any way to recover the data.  The couple sued, and a judge has now ruled that the photographer needs to fork over €8,000 — the price it cost for the couple to fly from New York to Spain and for all the expenses involved in reshooting pre-wedding photos at various landmarks around the city.  Elsewhere another photographer records that at a beautiful venue, a venue staff member was holding a handful of sparklers and handing them out to guests.  The photographer joined the bandwagon – the sparklers caused great damage making the experience nightmarish.

In another Wedding photography, much talked about - with a beaming smile, Bali Nine member Andrew Chan is  pictured marrying his girlfriend, in a ceremony just a day before he faced the firing squad. Chan was seen placing a ring on the finger of Febyanti Herewila.  They would have had  precious few hours together before Chan was executed for drug crimes.  Photography had been banned on the Nusakambangan island and media was kept away at a nearby port.

‘the most attractive thing is a photograph of Self [not necessarily a selfie] and the sweetest thing is calling of one’s own name !”   ~  but  an Australian bride has been left devastated after falling out with her wedding photographer, claiming he branded her "ugly" and a "bridezilla".

NZ Herald reports that  Ashlea Howard and her husband Daniel Howard were left stunned by the photographer's comments.  An image of 30-year-old Ashlea Howard with her husband Daniel Howard was posted on photographer Lee Maxwell Judd's Facebook page, alongside the caption: "ugliest bride I have ever photographed. Winged (sic) the whole time #Bridezilla#1."

Mrs Howard said she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the Facebook post. "It was really disgusting, I was absolutely mortified at his behaviour, it was just unacceptable," she said. According to Mrs Howard, from Greystanes in Sydney's west, she was unhappy with 90 per cent of the 1200 photos captured from her outdoor wedding and claimed they were overexposed, leaving the background blurry and people's faces contorted. He hit back by saying it was a "creative style".

The pair hired the Sydney photographer after scouring the Southern Highlands Wedding directory before their nuptials. They picked Mr Maxwell Judd to capture their magical day for $1500. The couple were looking for someone local, affordable and down to earth, who could produce a simple shoot. They married in Bendooley Estate, Berrima, NSW on February 21.  While Mrs Howard claimed Mr Maxwell Judd was acting a bit "bizarre" while taking photos on the day - snapping pictures over his head and taking "random quick shots" - she told Daily Mail Australia her jaw dropped when she saw the results for the first time.

When she tried to contact Mr Maxwell Judd afterwards to complain, she claims he wouldn't return her calls.   Mrs Howard said the feud really started between the pair when she initially struggled to get the finished photographs, as she said Mr Maxwell Judd had posted the USB stick to a different Ashley, who had once inquired about his services.  According to Mrs Howard, Mr Maxwell Judd insisted he had spoken to her mother on the phone and he believed he had sent the photos to the right address. However, when Mrs Howard told him that her mother died when she was 13 years old, she said he hung up.

Mrs Howard and Mr Maxwell Judd have now become embroiled in a bitter social media feud over the comment, which she branded "unacceptable". The photographer.  He says his Facebook account was hacked.  Mr Maxwell Judd claimed the Facebook post where the photographer called her a "bridezilla", which has been deleted since, was written by a hacker. Taking to his Facebook page he wrote: "Apologies to all concerned. My FB page was compromised by a computer hack yesterday evening." Mrs Howard claims the photographer sent further offensive comments to people who reviewed his personal page. 

According to Mr Maxwell Judd, the scandal has attracted more people to his photography page and he is now booked up until 2019. Since the matter has been made public, Mrs Howard has received 18 offers to photograph her and her husband in their wedding attire, however, she revealed that she had put on a bit of weight since the wedding and does not feel at her best.

Strange are the ways of people !
With regards – S. Sampathkumar
7th May 2015.

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