
Monday, February 7, 2011

Even in darkness light would dawn to those who believe

On Sunday (6/2/2011) stumbled upon a person – his visiting card read ‘Each person is an uncut diamond’ and proclaimed ‘The Vision” – to find a wonderful living.

Do you know the significance of 15th October ??  In life, quite often, people do not realise their worth or the good things that have been thrust upon them without doing precious little effort.  Yet people most often grumble that ‘fate is always against them, they are not possessed with wealth or luck is not favouring them’ – some excuse to cover for their lack of effort or lack of mental toughness or lack of will to do.  In the city, most are proud that they are literates and feel that despite their education they are not doing well or they are not wealthy.

Simply – literacy is the ability to read and write which begins with comprehension and would include many things such as listening, speaking, communicating and more.  For describing a thing to others, one needs to comprehend in mind and the perception is easily formed by visual learning or simply by looking at an object.

அரிது, அரிது மானிடராய் பிறத்தல் அரிது. அதனினும் அரிது, கூன், குருடு, செவிடு நீங்கி பிறத்தல் அரிது  -

These are the words of tamil poet Avvaiyar which literally mean that ‘it is difficult to get born as a human being; it is still more difficult to be born with defective eyesight, hearing impairment or any other infirmities’.  It is no fault of the people that they have these difficulties. 

Now think – whether you would ever be able to describe a car or printer or simply a note book, if you have no opportunity of seeing it.  Close your eyes for a second and think of objects around you and their shape – a few seconds of darkness will make you realise the importance of vision and the fortune of having the eyes.  Some are not so fortunate..

They are the visually impaired or visually challenged – blindness is the condition of lacking visual perception due to physiological or neurological factors.  Total blindness is complete lack of form and visual light perception. In some places, legally blindness is visual acuity of 20/200 (6/60) or less i.e., they would have to stand 20 feet closer to an object to see it even with corrective lenses to some  measure of clarity.     Some have light perception and would have the ability to differentiate light from darkness  and the direction of a light source.   Those in advanced countries are better off in some ways as there are Governmental special assistance, availability of technology for assistance as also the understanding of people.

People with visual impairment also travel independently using a wide range of tools and techniques.  There are some courses in orientation and mobility training them on travelling safely, confidently and independently.  As you would have observed a long can (often retractible and white in colour) is used to extend their range of touch sensation.  It is usually swung in low sweeping motion, across the intended path of travel, to detect obstacles.
Now  coming back to the person in the first para was a young good looking youngman by name R. Chandra Sekar who card read about “The Vision” – makes life wonderful.  He is a visually challenged person and his card below his name read “Better Life In New Dimension”.  The card also proclaims ‘I call on you Independently’- he has a mobile +919790756885 and e-mail ID:

He was a  sweet person exhibiting confidence and exuberance proclaiming in his card of “Inspiring Challenge” and further reading “Even in the darkness light dawns for those who belive”.  He is not cowed down by any of the restraints and is an LIC Advisor besides doing agency for General Insurance, Mutual Funds, Tax saving bonds etc.,

Reading of all these, feel ashamed that we have contributed in no measure in doing something to the Society when we are otherwise able. One can do simply things as helping such people on streets, removing obstacles on their way, helping by reading books to them, writings exams for them and more.

Just some of my thoughts flowing after my chance interaction with R Chandra Sekar.

Regards – S. Sampathkumar.

PS :  15th October is  nationally observed as White Cane Safety Day in US from 1964 – the day to celebrate the achievements of people who are visually challenged.    White cane is used by people who are visually impaired to help them in mobility. 

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