
Monday, July 31, 2023

Dental - Hygiene - ஆலும் வேலும் பல்லுக்கு உறுதி !!

  ஆலும் வேலும் பல்லுக்கு உறுதி !!

ஆலும் வேலும் பல்லுக்கு உறுதி !! - உங்கள் டூத்பேஸ்ட்டில் உப்பு, கரி, கால்சியம் என்ன இருக்கு !!  

ஆலமரக் குச்சியும், வேலமரக் குச்சியும் பல் விளக்கும் பற்தூரிகையாகப் பயன்படுத்தினால், பல்லும் பல் ஈறும் வலிமையுடன் இருக்கும் என்பது பொருள்.   வெளிநாட்டினர்   வந்த பின்னர்தான், பல் துலக்க, பற்பசை நமது நாட்டிற்கு அறிமுகமாகியது. பற்பசை காசு கொடுத்துத்தான் வாங்க வேண்டும். பற்பசையில் வேதியில் பொருள் கலந்திருப்பால், பற்பசை கொண்டு பல் துலக்க ஆரம்பித்த பின் தான் நம்மிடையே சொத்தைப் பல், பல்லில் ஓட்டை, வாய் துர்நாற்றம் மற்றும் பிற இதர குறைபாடுகளும் அதிகரித்து வருகின்றது   !!!! . 

For a healthy mouth, hygiene and smile, brushing your teeth is an important part of your dental care routine.  


For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the safest choice. Depending on how vigorously you brush your teeth and the strength of your teeth, medium- and hard-bristled brushes could actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel. First, apply just a small  amount of toothpaste. Rather than moving across your teeth, you should brush with small circular motions. Hold your brush at a 45° angle while brushing the front of your teeth. Clean the insides of your teeth by opening wide and angling your toothbrush toward the gum line. 

In a recent study it is stated   that while brushing teeth before breakfast is necessary, brushing teeth at night before going to bed is even more important to prevent Cardio vascular diseases.
With regards – S. Sampathkumar

Sunday, July 30, 2023

colourful personality

Pre-script :  Q1 think of a very colourful person you know !  Q2 – at what periodicity do women normally buy a dupatta ?? 

Dresses are the increasing rage.  Dupatta is worn in many regional styles as a symbol of modesty. While that symbolism still continues, many today wear it as  a decorative accessory. 

‘Whenever you see colour, think of us’, were the catchy lines of a famous paint brand. By some statistics, in  the 1970’s, people were exposed to about 5 to 10 Advts  per day. At present, people see roughly not less than 500 per day and those who browse see perhaps 5000 or more !!     There are 5.3 trillion display ads shown online every year.   

Colour is simply light of different wavelengths and frequencies and light is just one form of energy that we can actually see that is made up from photons. Color, is the physical phenomenon of light or visual perception associated with the various wavelengths in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. As a sensation experienced by humans and some animals, perception of color is a complex neurophysiological process. 

The first imagination of colourful is rainbow !!  Colourful is an adjective that means something that has varied bright colours or someone who is quite attractive. Colourful means lively, spirited, strong, interesting, unique, many facets or complex. Possibly confrontational and rebellious.    

Not all thoughts are logical – some one wrote that   the colour of your phone is a reflection of your personality. Most people, who do not look at smartphones as anything beyond a mere device, often opt for the basic black and white colours that every smartphone comes in. However, there are  people who like colourful phones and  smartphone brands these days are coming up with different colours. 

A colourful character is a person who behaves in an interesting and amusing way. A colourful character, likes and exhibits  extravagant gestures.  It is not merely the outfit colours that are worn but the personality that is exhibited.  People who are typically considered to be colorful may be described as outgoing, expressive, and lively. They enjoy being the center of attention and may have a strong sense of personal style. Colorful personalities often are very passionate about their interests. While some people may find colorful personalities to be overwhelming, others may appreciate their energy and enthusiasm. 

The Western World dissects even common things and read in Psychlogy magazine that -    Personality disorders are long-standing, deeply ingrained patterns of behaving and relating. The traditional diagnostic view sees them as discrete categories that people either do or do not fit into.  The "colorful" personality is a subclinical form of histrionic personality disorder, which refers to a pattern of attention-seeking behavior featuring exaggerated, even theatrical displays of emotion and shallow relationships. 

Personality disorders were once thought to be categorically distinct from normal personality, but today many psychologists prefer to view them as on a continuum with normal personality traits. Hence, personality psychologists now refer to "subclinical" manifestations of things like psychopathy and narcissism as less extreme versions of what are usually considered personality disorders.


A1 – perhaps the most colour personality is this dupatta seller

A2 -  one of my friends remarked – weekly is the longest, hourly is the shortest !!

With regards – S. Sampathkumar


Saturday, July 29, 2023

the ....... "Wheel" !!

 Don’t  reinvent the wheel !!


An invention that changed the way the World moved ~ The invention of the solid wooden disk wheel dates to Neolithic period

Friday, July 28, 2023

Nylon Kayiru - ATR getting entangled !!

Sujatha’s   ‘Nylon Kayiru’ was published in Kumudam for 14 weeks in 1968   !! 

An aeroplane continues to be a marvel – many of us still look to sky on hearing the sound ~nearer Airports, you could find people standing to watch the flight descending or take off.  The aluminium flying bird is of complex design – the primary factors in  aircraft structures are strength, weight, and reliability.  

Most of us would love to have that window seat (now-a-days they are priced at additional cost !) and sometimes would have the disappointment of seeing the wings only during the flight !!  

Aircraft have wings attached to the fuselage in one of two main ways – either above the fuselage (high wing) or below the mid-point of the fuselage (low wing). Large commercial jet aircraft tend to have low wings while  smaller aircrafts, propeller aircraft, military, and many cargo aircraft, often have high wings.   High wings tend to be flatter, whereas low wings will have an upwards angle to them.  

The one in pic is probably an ATR aircraft.  ATR  is a Franco-Italian aircraft manufacturer headquartered in Blagnac, France, a suburb of Toulouse,  formed during 1981 as a joint venture between Aérospatiale of France (now Airbus) and Aeritalia (now Leonardo) of Italy. 

The ATR 72 is a twin-engine turboprop, short-haul regional airliner developed and produced in France and Italy by aircraft manufacturer ATR – the  number "72" in its name is derived from the aircraft's typical standard seating capacity of 72 passengers.


Here is an illusion of aircraft flying close to getting tangled on overhead wires! 

In solving the mystery in ‘Nylon Kayiru’ occurring in the backdrop of Bombay – the savvy Ganesh would reconstruct the incident in mind – and the clue eventually would be ‘the accused booking tickets and walking out of Indian Airlines  Office in Bombay  – and the distance / travelling time between that place and the place of crime .. ..those were the days when travel by air was costly, elitist and only privileged would have travelled by air.  Gone are those days.

With regards – S. Sampathkumar

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Rufous Treepie ! - மோகனப் புன்னகையில் ஓர் நாள், மூன்று தமிழ் ?!?!

சின்னஞ்சிறு வயதில், எனக்கோர் சித்திரம் தோணுதடி

மின்னல் விழுந்தது போல் எதையோ பேசவும் தோணுதடி

செல்லம்மா பேசவும்  தோணுதடி ! ..  ….        ..

மோகனப் புன்னகையில் ஓர் நாள், மூன்று தமிழ் படித்தேன்


என் மன வானில் அல்ல, வீட்டு மாடியில் சிறகடித்து சென்றது இந்த பறவை.  காக்கையைப் போன்ற அலகு, கருந்தலை, மஞ்சள் பழுப்பு  நிறவுடல், வெள்ளைப் பட்டைகளுள்ள இறக்கை, கருமுனை கொண்ட சாம்பல் நிற வால் உடைய பறவை. இந்தப் பறவை பல விதமான ஒலிகளை எழுப்புமாம்.  அவற்றில் சில காதுக்கு மிக இனிமையானதாகவும், சில சாதாரணமானதாகவும் சில நாராசமானதாகவும் இருக்கும். இது சில வினாடிகள் இறக்கையை அடித்துக் கொண்டு நேர் கோட்டிலும், பின்னர் சிறிது தூரம் இறக்கையை அடிக்காமல் விரித்து வைத்துக் கொண்டு அதே நேர் பாதையிலும் பறக்கும்.  

The rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) is a treepie, native to the Indian Subcontinent and adjoining parts of Southeast Asia. It is a member of the crow family, Corvidae. It is long tailed and has loud musical calls making it very conspicuous. It is found commonly in open scrub, agricultural areas, forests as well as urban gardens. Like other corvids it is very adaptable, omnivorous and opportunistic in feeding.  

The rufous treepie is primarily an arboreal omnivore feeding on fruits, nectar seeds,  invertebrates, small reptiles and the eggs and young of birds.  

வால் காக்கை (Rufous Treepie) என்பது காக்கைக் குடும்பத்திலுள்ள பறவைகளுள் ஒன்று. இது அரிகாடை என்றும் முக்குறுணி என்றும் மாம்பழத்தான் குருவி என்றும் கொய்யாப் பழத்தான் என்றும் அழைக்கப்படும்.2]. நீண்ட வாலும் உரத்த இசைக் கூப்பாடும் (கோகீலா ... கோகீலா... என்ற தொனியில் இருக்கும்!!  என்கிறது விக்கிபீடியா)  இப்பறவை காக்கையைப் போலவே ஒரு அனைத்துண்ணி. இப்பறவையின் விலங்கியல் பெயர் டென்றொசிட்டா வேகபண்டா (Dendrocitta vagabunda)= ன் பொருள் மரங்கள் இடையே அலைபவன் (Wanderer amongst trees) என்பதாகும்.  

முதலில் கண்ட பாடல்  இசைஞானி இளையராஜா இசையில் 'மீண்டும் கோகிலா' படத்தில் யேசுதாஸ் சைலஜா பாடியது - கண்ணதாசன் வரிகள்.   

PS:  identified as Rufous treepie by Google images.
With regards – S. Sampathkumar

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Fluttering Pigeon

 Fluttering Pigeon


நான் உயர உயரப் போகிறேன் நீயும் வா ..வா
படம் :  நான் ஆணையிட்டால் !!  வாலியின் வைர வரிகளில் - MS விஸ்வநாதன் இசையில், TM சௌந்தரராஜன் P சுசீலா குரலில்

saluting the great heroes of Nation - Kargil Diwas

saluting the great  heroes of Nation - Kargil Diwas


1.     Earlier it was known as  Purig ~   the  Suru River,  a 185 kilometres (115 mi) long river, that originates from the Panzella glacier enriches it – it is the place in news and apt to be remembered by the entire Nation today – 26th July !

2.   The name of the award translates as the "Wheel of the Ultimate Brave".  The medal is a circular bronze disc 35 millimetres in dia.  On the obverse, or front, the National Emblem of India appears in the centre on a raised circle surrounded by four copies of the vajra, the weapon of Indra, the ancient Vedic king of the gods. The motif symbolizes the sacrifice of Rishi Dadhichi, who gave his bones to the gods to make the vajra to kill the demon Vritra.  Can you identify what this is ??

The Great Game was a rivalry between the 19th-century British and Russian Empires over influence in Central Asia, primarily in Afghanistan, Persia, and later Tibet. The two colonial empires used military interventions and diplomatic negotiations to acquire and redefine territories in Central and South Asia. Russia conquered Turkestan, and Britain expanded and set the borders of British colonial India.  Great Game was marked by distrust, diplomatic intrigue, and regional wars, it never erupted into a full-scale war directly between Russian and British colonial forces – British created enough schisms in every Region to ensure that they remained at the helm. 

July, Chennai is seeing rains and to  those who feel cold Chennai is cold – life is far far different ! . .. its  landscape is mountainous, rugged, and high, the minimum elevation being some 8,000 feet (2,440 metres). The climate is cold and dry, with scanty precipitation that falls mainly as snow in winter. One locality, Dras (Drass), is reputed to be one of the world’s coldest permanently inhabited places, with winter temperatures falling to as low as −40 °C or colder. Vegetation, mainly grasses and shrubs, is largely confined to river valleys at lower elevations, as the higher places are rocky and largely barren.  It is Kargil.   Rapid ascent to elevations beyond 8,000 feet (2,446 m) above sea level generally causes AMS. Headache and nausea are the most common symptoms. Most men afflicted with AMS suffer muscular weakness, fatigue and appetite loss as well.  The only sure treatment for AMS is descent to a lower elevation. High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and cerebral edema (HACE) are more severe syndromes that occur when soldiers rapidly ascend beyond 8,000 feet (2,438 m) above sea level.

The towering peaks of the Himalayan Mountains have challenged man’s ability to survive in extreme conditions for centuries. Waging war at high altitude has proven to be the most  daunting task. The high altitude environment has posed the same unique challenges to soldiers throughout history, from Alexander the Great’s Himalayan expedition in the fourth century B.C. to the Indo-Pakistan Kargil Conflict in 1999.  Thin air is the only condition exclusive to high altitude; in the Himalayas, it combines with freezing temperatures and mountainous terrain to create an inhospitable environment.   

The distinguished history of Indian Army dates back more than ten thousand years. The two grand epics of ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ constitute the fundamental framework around which the edifice of Indian Army is built.  Though innumerable wars have been fought thereafter, most were in quest of universal peace and ‘dharma’. Recourse to arms was only taken when peace was threatened. In fact the word 'peace' forms the very core of Indian philosophy, which can most aptly be traced to one of India's ancient scriptures known as the ‘Yajurveda’. It is stated in verse, the English translation of which reads - “May the sky be peaceful; may the atmosphere be peaceful; may the earth be peaceful; may eternal peace cometh upon us”.

The name Kargil is derived from two words Khar and rKil. Khar means castle and rKil means center thus a place between castles as the place lay between many kingdoms.  Gasho Tha Tha Khan is said to be the first crusader who established a dynasty in the area. Tha Tha Khan was a scion of the royal family of Gilgit who captured Kargil in early 8th century. His dynasty ruled the Sod area of Kargil in early period  .. centuries later,  Ladakh became a Union Territory on 31st  October 2019 and Kargil  came under The Union Territory of Ladakh .

In ancient time, the major part of present Kargil was named as Purik. This name has been given by the Tibetan scholars as the people living in this part of the land have the features of Tibetans. Drass is inhabited by the people of the Dard race and Zanskar has Ladakhi – Tibeto stock.     

In  1822, Raja Gulab Singh of the Dogra dynasty was anointed as the Raja of Jammu by the Sikh emperor Ranjit Singh. In 1834, Gulab Singh sent his general Zorawar Singh Kahluria to conquer the territory between Jammu and the Tibetan border. Marching through Kishtwar, Zorawar Singh reached Purig and defeated the Bhotia leader Mangal at Sankoo. Kartse, the then capital of Purig, fell into Zorawar Singh's hands, who built a fort there before advancing towards Leh. Following the First Anglo-Sikh War and the Treaty of Amritsar (1846), Gulab Singh was made an independent Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. The princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, as it eventually came to be called, was organised into two large provinces, Jammu and Kashmir, and two frontier ilaqas, Ladakh and Gilgit. Ladakh was a wazarat (district) with a governor called wazir-e-wazarat. It had three tehsils: Leh, Kargil and Skardu.   The city of Kargil always had a tehsil headquarters.

We have seen Cine heroes donning role of  Army Jawans and applaud them too –  the Nation needs to read and know more about the real heroes who protect the Nation.   In our history books, we have read about 3 battles of Panipat, Plassey, Arcot and more ….. the text books should have the battles of  Tololing  and Kargil ! ~ on every 26th of July, I circulate something on Kargil  - the Nation today pays homage to the jawans who sacrificed their lives in the 1999 Kargil war against Pakistan.

Kargil Vijay Diwas is a symbol of pride and glory of Maa Bharati. On this occasion, my salute to all the brave sons of the country who have accomplished their valour in the defense of the motherland.  In 1999, when the war broke out, the Pakistan army did not admit to their involvement in the war and blamed Kashmiri militants for the occupation. However, statements by then Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and then Pakistan Army Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf clearly indicated their involvement in the war.

Both the Nations conducted nuclear tests in 1998.   India and Pakistan had signed the Lahore Declaration in February 1999. Before the ink could dry, the traitor  Pakistani Armed Forces were secretly sending troops to India's side of LOC.   When India did realise the gravity of the situation, the Indian Army sent 20,000 troops for Operation Vijay against Pakistan.  As history has it, India successfully evicted the Pakistani troops from its territory as the war ended on July 26. This momentous day is now known as  Kargil Vijay Diwas. Sadly,  527 soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country during the war. Traditionally, the Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated all across the country. The Prime Minister of India pays  tribute to the martyrs at Amar Jawan Jyoti at the India Gate every year. There is a Kargil War memorial as well in Dras on the foothills of Tololing Hill. These honour  the soldiers who lost their lives during the war. The  gateway of the memorial has the  poem 'Pushp Kii Abhilasha' and the names of the martyrs inscribed.    

The reference at the start -  "Wheel of the Ultimate Brave" is Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is the highest Military decoration, awarded for displaying distinguished acts of valour during wartime.  Sadly, most of its recipients are posthumous !  Major Somnath Sharma (1923-1947) was the first recipient for his gallantry and sacrifice during the Battle of Badgam. 

Captain Vikram Badra – a very young Officer was awarded PVC for his gallantry during Kargil war.  The 24 year young Captain led a group to recapture peak 4875.  Earlier Vikram Batra had successfully captured peak 5140 (at a height of 17000 feet, the highest point in Tololing Ridge) – he had told his colleagues ‘yeh dil mange more’. 

Remembering the Hero Jawans and salute their supreme sacrifice.

With great respects – S. Sampathkumar
26th July 2023. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Smile - the language of Parrot - and .. .. Tamil cinema !!


This morning was so delighted to see so many of them .. .. and when a Pigeon drew closer, the beautiful Parrot just nodded its head and made a sound, expressing as though it was sending a Smile, a big one at that !! 

Have heard my friend say often quoting BBC – ‘this morning if you happen to see one without a smile, given them yours !’   - what strikes your mind when you think of  நகை smile !! 

நகை  என்றால் பெண்களுக்கு  உடன் நினைவு வருவது அணிகலன்கள் - எவ்வளவு விலை அதிகமோ அவ்வளவு மற்றோரு நகையான புன்னகை அவர்கள் முகத்தில் தோன்றலாம்.  தன மனைவியின் முகத்தில் அடிக்கடி புன்னகையை காண்பவன் சந்தோஷமாக வாழும் மனிதன் !!    பொய்யாமொழிப்புலவர் வள்ளுவனின் வாய்மொழியில் ஒரு குறள் :

மிகச்செய்து தம்மெள்ளு வாரை நகச்செய்து

நட்பினுள் சாப்புல்லற் பாற்று.


அதிகபட்ச நட்பாக நடந்து தனக்குள் பகை எண்ணுபவரை சிரித்த முகத்துடனே நட்பினை விலக்கிட வழி செய்ய வேண்டும்.  நேர்மையற்ற மனிடப் பதர்களின் நட்பு நல்லதல்ல. பகை உணர்வு வந்தால் பல நூல்களாலும் பக்குவம் பெறமுடியாது. போலியாக சிரிப்பதும் அழுவதும் மனிட பதர்களின் பண்பு இவர்களிடம் கவனமாக விலக வேண்டும். பகைவரின் நட்பு கட்டாயம் ஏற்கவேண்டிய சுழலில் மனதளவில் விலகி ஒதுக்க வேண்டும். 

தமிழ் சினிமாவில்சிரிப்பு பரிணாம வளர்ச்சியை, சமுதாய மாறுதலை காட்டுகிறது !!  1964ல் வெளிவந்த ஆண்டவன் கட்டளை, திரைப்படத்தில்  விசுவநாதன் -இராமமூர்த்தி இசையில்  கவிஞர் கண்ணதாசன் எழுதி. சந்திரபாபு பாடிய பிரபல பாடல் : 


சிரிப்பு வருது சிரிப்பு வருது சிரிக்கச் சிரிக்க சிரிப்பு வருது

சின்ன மனுஷன் பெரிய மனுஷன் செயலைப் பாக்க சிரிப்பு வருது


சில பத்து வருஷங்கள் கழித்து வந்த 'வெற்றிக்கொடி கட்டு' பட பாடல் வரிகள் :


சிரிப்பு வருது சிரிப்பு வருது  சித்தப்பா !  - இந்த சின்ன பொண்ணு யாரு

உந்தன் செட்டப்பா ? பொண்டாட்டிக்கு தெரிஞ்சுப்புட்டா, சித்தப்பா

உன் டப்பா கிழிஞ்சு போகுமப்பா  .. ..  சித்தப்பா


உடனே பொங்கி எழுந்து சமுதாய சீரழிவை பற்றி சிந்திக்காமல், சுமாராக சிரித்து விட்டு, இன்றைய அலுவலக பணிகளை தொடங்குவோம். 

காலை சிந்தனை அலைகள் - சுவாமி ஒன்றும் அறியாதவனப்பா!!

with regards – S. Sampathkumar

what pushes up Prices - not inflation !! but 'lifestyle creep' !!!

One can perhaps decipher the age based on the thoughts, posts and the conversations – while youth may talk more about gadgets, technology, Sports – people who have retired tend to talk more about rising prices and they way they lived life frugally decades ago.  !!   Me too started with first income of Rs.335 per month – certainly not going to post what all could have been bought with those 3 hundreds !! 

Now is the Tamil month of Aadi (Aashada masam in Telegu) – a few decades ago, these were considered as not so good period but traders have found a way out with ‘discount sales’ ..   come any such festival season – there are surging crowds in  Textile bazaar of T Nagar – Nalli, Kumaran, Pothys, Chennai Silks, Saravana, Jayachandran, RMKV  … and shop by every name – you find milling crowds ….in  magazines you will find jokes of ‘shopping women and poor husbands waiting (im)patiently’…… one can find allocated places for waiting – some jokes would say that waiting hubbies would get coffee, tiffin and more as their waiting would get extended to many hours !


.. .. be it any day not necessarily an important day – there are crowds in Gold and silver shops – GRT, Saravana, Kumaran, Vummidiars, Jayachandran, Joy Alukkas, Challani .. .. and other shops  - gold, diamond, platinum jewelleries worth lakhs are bought by people as one would wait for their chance to see the varieties and finalise their buys.  By some yardstick – purchasing power of people is increasing and people tend to buy more no. of garments (read sarees / chudidars) than the past generation used to …. 

In Television shows, in newspapers and in groups, we hear about “Inflation” – a term denoting a general rise in prices !!  

Inflation measures how much more expensive a set of goods and services has become over a certain period.  In a market economy, prices for goods and services will always change. Some prices rise; some prices fall !!   Inflation occurs when there is a broad increase in the prices of goods and services, not just of individual items; it means, you can buy less for Rs.500  today than you could in a corresponding previous period of time.  In other words, inflation reduces the value of the currency over time.  Every household has different spending habits: some have a car and eat meat, others travel solely by public transport or are vegetarian. The average spending habits of all households together determine how much weight the different products and services have in the measurement of inflation.  

It may be one of the most familiar words in economics. Inflation has plunged countries into long periods of instability. Central bankers often aspire to be known as “inflation hawks.” Politicians have won elections with promises to combat inflation, only to lose power after failing to do so. Inflation was even declared Public Enemy No. 1 in the United States—by President Gerald Ford in 1974.  

Inflation is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every Rupee you have buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.  The value of Rupee does not stay constant when there is inflation.  In India, we have the Consumer Price Index (CPI) -– more specifically - All India Consumer Price Index (General) for Industrial Workers (Base 1982=100).    

In 2013, the consumer price index replaced the wholesale price index (WPI) as a main measure of inflation. In India, the most important category in the consumer price index is Food and beverages (45.86 percent of total weight), of which Cereals and products (9.67 percent), Milk and products (6.61 percent), Vegetables (6.04 percent), Prepared meals, snacks, sweets, etc. (5.55 percent), Meat and fish (3.61 percent), and Oils and fats (3.56 percent). Miscellaneous accounts for 28.32 percent, of which Transport and communication (8.59 percent), health (5.89 percent), and education (4.46 percent). Housing accounts for 10.07 percent; Fuel and light for 6.84 percent; Clothing and footwear for 6.53 percent; and Pan, tobacco and intoxicants for 2.38 percent.

Every now and then Economists, politicians, masterbrains come up with newer set of terminologies that define, redefine the economy that affects common man !!  -  in UK now there is talk of ‘lifestyle creep’ and not the cost of living crisis that impacts as main reason on why the present income levels are not stretching as far as they could do earlier.   

Financial reports suggest record-high inflation in UK leading to a 19.2% increase in the price of food staples such as bread – and a  decent standard of living in London costs up to 58% more when compared to the rest of the UK.   Britons are suffering under high inflation and high prices, and the cost of a basket of shopping has rocketed dramatically.   

Thanks to failed harvests across Europe and North Africa––who can forget the tomato shortage earlier this year––this tighter supply has the effect of raising costs.  Food and non-alcoholic drink prices are driving record-high UK inflation with costs for staples such as bread and cereals fuelling an average price increase of 19.2 per cent in the year to March. Prices for meat, yoghurt and vegetables also doubled in the year to March.  And surprisingly, the highest grocery price increases are not at the fancy stores you might imagine. Instead, it is the cheaper supermarkets which are the most expensive this year.  The cost of heating has also been of concern with UK households faced with huge bills. The government says that a lower price cap is coming later this month, which means energy prices will begin to fall for the first time in around 20 months.  

It’s really easy to assume that your empty bank account is purely as a result of increased costs. High inflation leads to increased costs, and that means your salary doesn’t go as far as it once did. As a result, UK workers are feeling the pain.  Yet, lack of cash is also due to another factory – one most people simply do not think about !!   Lifestyle creep, or lifestyle inflation, is a phenomenon whereby the more you have, the more you spend on your standard of living. So where once you may have shopped in high street chain stores, now you gravitate to high-end department stores and fancy designer labels.  

The rise of the luxury market is fueling this further. According to experts, the global luxury market consumer base will expand to 500 million people by 2030, with this rise being strongly fuelled by younger Millennial and Gen Z consumers. It would be easy to assume that splashing the cash on a bigger car, a house with more bedrooms or more lavish holidays would be well within reach for those earning higher salaries–the median yearly salary in the UK was £32,300 in 2022. Instead, when workers earn more money, the things that were formerly out of their grasp now become necessities, and their cost of living increases in proportion.  

In the US, a report found that over half of Americans earning more than $100,000 a year live paycheque-to-paycheque.  So what can workers do? Being aware of how your standard of living has changed is a great first step in looking at ways in which you can cut back on expenses. Streaming services, multiple meals out and takeaways each week and subscriptions can all, almost invisibly, eat into your earnings, quite apart from the big ticket items you may be spending on.  

If you simply can’t find a way to trim your costs, one great way to boost your pay packet is to move jobs.  Another study discovered that workers who stay in a company longer than two years get paid 50 per cent less.  The phenomena is people no longer live in an era of a ‘job for life’. Nowadays, experts say that the average UK worker will have six jobs in their lifetime.    

Don’t brush these away as Western market analysis or phenomenon, it is bound to be aped sooner in India too.  Here too people change their jobs too frequently, yearning for more and more !  and it is not only money  inflation but also lifestyle inflation that is pushing people to have less and less as assets.  People earn, spend, get credit and .. .. sooner realise that they have not added much of bank balance or asset !!

Interesting !
With regards – S. Sampathkumar

Monday, July 24, 2023

Trinity, Atom Bomb - bio-pic of Robert Oppenheimer

Imp Pre-script :  1. Truth is stranger than fiction, and History has more twists than any soap opera.  Not sure how many would read this lengthy post.  In case you do, request that you register your comments – at least a 5 !!

2.  I am no Cine buff – yet the hype behind this bio-pic makes me think that I may see this move on theatre !!

A few decades ago, new movies would be released on Friday, festival days like Deepavali, Pongal, New year etc., 

The Hindu trinity comprises Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. The three Gods represent the cyclical nature of our existence from birth, preservation, and destruction to subsequent regeneration. These Gods are identifiable in their artistic representations by the icons commonly associated with them. 

The Los Alamos Laboratory, also known as Project Y, was a secret laboratory established by the Manhattan Project and operated by the University of California during World War II. Its mission was to design and build the first atomic bombs. Robert Oppenheimer was its first director, serving from 1943 to December 1945, when he was succeeded by Norris Bradbury. 

Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, conducted by the United States Army on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project. The test was conducted in the Jornada del Muerto desert about 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, on what was then the White Sands Proving Grounds. 

The code name "Trinity" was assigned by J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, inspired by the poetry of John Donne. The test was of an implosion-design plutonium device, nicknamed the "Gadget", of the same design as the Fat Man bomb later detonated over Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945. The complexity of the design required a major effort from the Los Alamos Laboratory.   The test site was later declared a National Historic Landmark district in 1965, and listed on the National Register of Historic Places the following year. 

The man at the helm is a powerful name in History – Oppenheimer.  His diverse interests sometimes even   interrupted his focus on science. He liked things that were difficult and since much of the scientific work appeared easy for him, he developed an interest in the mystical and the cryptic. After leaving Harvard, he began to acquaint himself with the classical Hindu texts through their English translations. He also had an interest in learning languages and learned Sanskrit,under Arthur W. Ryder at Berkeley in 1933. He eventually read literary works such as the Bhagavad Gita and Meghaduta in their original Sanskrit and deeply pondered them. He later cited the Gita as one of the books that most shaped his philosophy of life., He wrote to his brother that the Gita was "very easy and quite marvelous", and called it "the most beautiful philosophical song existing in any known tongue."  He later gave copies of  holy Bhagwat Geetha  as presents to his friends and kept a personal, worn-out copy on the bookshelf by his desk. He even nicknamed his car Garuda, the mount bird of the Hindu god Sriman Narayana.  

The recent release of two vastly different films, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer," has created a unique and humorous juxtaposition in the entertainment world. The movies, targeting different audiences, have sparked a surge of interest online, generating predictions of significant box-office success. 

"Barbie" showcases the iconic Mattel doll's pink-themed universe, while "Oppenheimer" delves into the story of the architect behind the atomic bomb. Despite their distinct themes, the two films have become intertwined in a conjoined hype cycle, resulting in a surge in ticket sales. AMC Entertainment reported that over 40,000 people purchased tickets for a double feature of both films, amounting to five hours of movie viewing. 

Although the films are expected to perform well, "Barbie" is projected to outshine "Oppenheimer" at the box office. Analysts predict that "Barbie" has the potential to rake in an impressive $158 million in the United States and Canada through the opening weekend. On the other hand, "Oppenheimer" is estimated to bring in approximately half of that amount, around $50 million in domestic sales. Warner Bros., the studio behind "Barbie," cautiously tempered expectations, suggesting a more conservative estimate of around $75 million.  

Oppenheimer is an epic biographical thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan. Based on the 2005 biography American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, the film chronicles the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist who was pivotal in developing the first nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project, and thereby ushering in the Atomic Age. Cillian Murphy stars as the titular character, with Emily Blunt as Oppenheimer's wife, Katherine "Kitty" Oppenheimer, Matt Damon as General Leslie Groves, Oppenheimer's military handler.  The project was announced in September 2021 after Universal Pictures won a bidding war for Nolan's screenplay.  

Oppenheimer premiered at Le Grand Rex in Paris on July 11, 2023, and was theatrically released in the United Kingdom and United States on July 21, 2023 by Universal Pictures. Its simultaneous release with the fantasy comedy Barbie gave rise to the "Barbenheimer" phenomenon and drove audiences to go see both films as a double feature. The film received widespread critical acclaim, with praise towards Nolan's direction and screenplay, the performances of the cast, visuals, and Göransson's score. 

Plot  :  A young, brilliant J. Robert Oppenheimer grapples with homesickness and anxiety at the Cavendish Laboratory under Patrick Blackett, a demanding tutor, for whom he leaves a poisoned apple. A visiting Niels Bohr almost eats it, but Oppenheimer stops him in time. After completing his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Göttingen, he returns to the United States, driven by the absence of research on quantum physics. He starts teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, while also dedicating time to the California Institute of Technology. Along the way, he encounters significant figures like Ernest Lawrence, the 1939 Nobel Prize winner who emphasizes the importance of practical applications; Jean Tatlock, a member of the Communist Party USA with whom he has an on-and-off romantic relationship until her eventual suicide; and ex-Communist biologist Katherine Puening, whom he later marries.  

General Leslie Groves approaches Oppenheimer and requests his involvement in the development of the atomic bomb, known as the Manhattan Project, but only after Oppenheimer assures him of having no sympathies for communism. Consequently, Oppenheimer assembles a team of scientists to work together in secret and create the atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico, aiming to use it as a means to save the world despite the concerns about the potential global repercussions; in particular, the danger of the Nazis and their antisemitism drives the Jewish Oppenheimer. At one point, he and renowned physicist Albert Einstein discuss the possibility of the bomb triggering a chain reaction that could lead to catastrophic consequences and potentially the end of the world.  

Julius Robert Oppenheimer  [22.4.1904- 18.2.1967] was an American theoretical physicist and director of the Los Alamos Laboratory during World War II. He is often credited as the "father of the atomic bomb" for his role in organizing the Manhattan Project, the research and development undertaking that created the first nuclear weapons.  Born to German Jewish immigrants in New York City, Oppenheimer earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Harvard University in 1925 and a PhD in physics from the University of Göttingen in Germany in 1927. After research at other institutions, he joined the physics department at the University of California, Berkeley, where he became a full professor in 1936. On July 16, 1945, he was present at the first test of the atomic bomb, Trinity. In August 1945, the weapons were used against Japan in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict.

In 1947, Oppenheimer became the director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and chaired the influential General Advisory Committee of the newly created United States Atomic Energy Commission.

How the movie unfolds remains to be seen but his personal life was full of twists too !!  

The Manhattan Project was top secret and did not become public knowledge until after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Oppenheimer became a national spokesman for science who was emblematic of a new type of technocratic power. He became a household name and his portrait appeared on the covers of Life and Time.  Nuclear physics became a powerful force as all governments of the world began to realize the strategic and political power that came with nuclear weapons.   

But,  FBI under J. Edgar Hoover had been following Oppenheimer since before the war, when he showed Communist sympathies as a professor at Berkeley and had been close to members of the Communist Party, including his wife and brother. They strongly suspected that he himself was a member of the party, based on wiretaps in which party members referred to him or appeared to refer to him as a communist, as well as reports from informers within the party.  The FBI furnished Oppenheimer's political enemies with evidence that intimated communist ties.  In 1954,  Strauss pressed for Oppenheimer's security clearance to be revoked. 

Earlier,in June 1949, Oppenheimer testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee that he had associations with the Communist Party USA in the 1930s. Frank Oppenheimer and his wife Jackie testified before HUAC that they had been members of the Communist Party USA. Frank was subsequently fired from his University of Minnesota position. Unable to find work in physics for many years, he became a cattle rancher in Colorado. He later taught high school physics and was the founder of the San Francisco Exploratorium.   In 1953,   United States Congress Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, sent Hoover a letter saying that "more probably than not J. Robert Oppenheimer is an agent of the Soviet Union."  On December 21, 1953, Strauss told Oppenheimer that his security clearance had been suspended, pending resolution of a series of charges outlined in a letter, and discussed his resigning by way of requesting termination of his consulting contract with the AEC.  The hearing that followed in April–May 1954, was held in secret, focused on Oppenheimer's past communist ties and his association during the Manhattan Project with suspected disloyal or communist scientists. 

Years after his birth, in Dec 2022, United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm vacated the 1954 revocation of Oppenheimer's security clearance. 

Oppenheimer was a chain smoker and was diagnosed with throat cancer in late 1965. After inconclusive surgery, he underwent unsuccessful radiation treatment and chemotherapy late in 1966. He fell into a coma and died at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, on February 18, 1967 aged 62. 

Long story of a great personality who was hailed as father of Technological warfare !  but was condemned to be a traitor .. .. and posthumously remembered as one who loved his Nation.
With regards – S. Sampathkumar